Melbourne Housing Data Analysis
The obective of the project is to analyse the Melbourne’s Housing data and build a model to make predict the price of the house. The dataset includes data for the 21 mentioned paramters for the houses in the Melbourne city.
- Suburb,Address,Rooms,Price,Method,Type,SellerG,Date,Distance,Regionname,Propertycount,Bedroom2, Bathroom,Car,Landsize,BuildingArea,YearBuilt,CouncilArea,Lattitude,Longtitude
Technology Used
- Predictive Modeling
- Regression
- Descriptive Statistics
- R Studio , R (ggplot2,dplyr,randomForest,corrplot),Tableau
- Data cleaning with variable research to ensure meaningful and analysable data for modelling.
- Exploratory Data Analysis to analyse trends in the housing data :
- Implemented Linear regression, Decision tree and Random forest regressor models to predict the target feature price.
- Efficient features selection using stepwise selection and lasso regression.
- Random Forest regressor was the best fit model with efficient R square score.